Life's Rich Mix - Excerpt 1

Excerpt Chapter  4  Life's Rich Mix

My home town has always been, and still is to this day, a typical Welsh valley town  with a close knit community and there was always the distinct posssibilty when in a local working environment, whenever discussing or criticising and individual, the person with whom you are holding the discussion may well be a friend of, or even related to the person you are berating and you should be very careful in what you say. This lesson was brought home to me one specific day while I was in the the changing room and about to take a shower, two steelworkers began indulging in a friendly conversation while taking their communal shower.  It was evident from their discussion, and the way they talked, the two steelworkers did not know each other .

    The one steelworker began discussing his sexual adventures concerning a married woman with whom he had recently become acquainted and subsequently currently having an extra-marital affair. Your typical male chauvinist discussion concerning women and their attributes.

   The second steelworker became genuinely interested in the sexual exploits of his newly found showering companion, finding his stories compelling, entertaining, fascinating and amusing. Eventually, the recipient of the storytelling asked the raconteur for the name of this adulterous woman, probably hoping he too could have carnal knowledge of this female who appeared to be so free with her sexual favours, especially after being informed by his new friend, the promiscuous woman lived in the same area of town as himself.

   Foolishly, the raconteur willingly divulged this requested information, without any hesitancy whatsoever.

      ' Ceinwen Morgan,' he obligingly blurted out.

    Almost immediately, all hell broke loose, as the listener hurled himself at the now bemused storyteller.

     ' You bastard!!' , the listener shouted, whilst at the same time subjecting the raconteur to a fussilade of punches.

     'That's my wife!'  he added in explanation for this sudden and unexpected change in his temperament and demeanour  ..